As criminal defense lawyers we protect the rights of defendants and help them build defenses that reduce the negative consequences of being arrested.

Our attorneys represent you during police questioning and ensure law enforcement respects your rights.

And during legal proceedings, we represent you at trial or attempt to negotiate a favorable plea bargain.
Juvenile Criminal Defense Attorney At The Warren Law Office we understand that facing the juvenile justice system can be a daunting experience for both minors and their families. Our legal system recognizes that children and teenagers often lack the maturity and decision-making skills of adults, which is why the juvenile court system in California—and throughout the … Continue reading Juvenile Crimes
Gang Crime Defense Attorney Participation in a criminal street gang and aiding in any felony committed by gang members is illegal under Section 186.22 of the Penal Code. Violating this section can lead to a maximum penalty of three years in state prison, with this term served consecutively to any other sentence. Additionally, a conviction … Continue reading Gang Crimes
Strike Offense Defense Attorney California’s Three Strikes law imposes severe penalties for repeat offenders to deter serious crimes. Under this law: Three-Strikes Provision: If a defendant commits a new "strike" offense and already has two or more "strike" priors, they face a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years to life in state prison (Penal Code … Continue reading Strike Offenses
Expungement Attorney If you have completed your probation for a misdemeanor or felony conviction, that conviction will remain on your record until you actively seek to have it removed. Caryn Warren has successfully assisted numerous clients in clearing their records and improving their job opportunities by filing a motion under Penal Code § 1203.4. An … Continue reading Expungements