DVRO Defense Attorney

A domestic violence lawyer can keep you out of custody, fight restraining orders, and preserve your reputation. When the justice system intervenes in your family life, you need the best lawyer for domestic violence on your side.

What’s at risk if you are convicted of a domestic violence charge — A domestic violence conviction can cost you:

  • your job
  • your professional license
  • custody of your children
  • your right to own guns

With all of this at stake, you need the best domestic violence lawyer you can find.

Why You Need a Lawyer Even if the Accuser Wants to Drop Charges

When the police respond to a domestic dispute, they are likely to make an arrest. This generates a police report that goes to the District Attorney’s office for charging. In many cases, the dispute itself has been resolved between the parties before the District Attorney files charges.

The accusing party does NOT have the power to drop the charges – only the District Attorney can do that.

Our criminal defense lawyers will work to convince the District Attorney not to file domestic violence charges against you.  Call immediately at 916-903-3914 to request a free consultation at our Sacramento Law Office and take the first step toward reclaiming control of your future.


Domestic Violence charges are complicated. When charged with DV, you face consequences in the criminal justice system and could be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony.

It is important to us that you understand everything about your case and know what to expect. We make it a priority to communicate with you about the case details as they unfold and ensure that your questions are answered. We are here to help.

Domestic violence crimes involve family members or people in a dating relationship and include several types of crimes, such as:

  • Assault
  • Battery
  • Threats
  • Stalking
  • Violating a criminal protective order

Misdemeanor charges are considered less serious than felony charges.

A misdemeanor can result in a jail sentence of one year or less

Our domestic violence lawyers can help get alternative sentencing for misdemeanors like community service or home confinement that allows you to keep your job and be home for your family.

Felony domestic violence charges usually involve:

  • Serious injury, such as broken bones
  • A prior record of domestic violence arrests or convictions
  • Other illegal behavior at the same time as domestic violence
  • A felony can result in a state prison sentence of several years

If you are arrested for domestic violence you may:

  • Go to jail
  • Lose your job
  • Not pass background checks
  • Be subject to a restraining order that prevents you from contacting your spouse and your children
  • Be subject to monitoring for alcohol and drug use.

Consequences of a domestic violence conviction include:

  • Batterer’s Treatment Program (“BTP”), a 52-week class you must pay for
  • Formal, searchable probation
  • Fines and fees, including restitution, probation supervision, and court costs
  • Losing your right to have a gun
  • Negative impact on child custody disputes.
  • You acted in self-defense
  • The witness against you is lying
  • The charges are outside of the statute of limitations, and more