Juvenile Criminal Defense Attorney

At The Warren Law Office we understand that facing the juvenile justice system can be a daunting experience for both minors and their families. Our legal system recognizes that children and teenagers often lack the maturity and decision-making skills of adults, which is why the juvenile court system in California—and throughout the United States—operates under a different set of principles than those governing adult courts. The key focus is on rehabilitation rather than punishment, and protecting the future of minors is paramount.

The Juvenile Court System

In the California juvenile court system, the approach is more remedial than with adult courts, aiming to guide juveniles back onto a positive path. This system addresses cases involving offenders who are under the age of 18, considering their potential for reform and growth. Juvenile court proceedings are typically confidential. This secrecy helps shield young individuals from the lasting stigma that could otherwise impact their educational and career prospects.

Children in juvenile courts retain certain rights to ensure fairness during the process. They are entitled to legal representation, have the right to face and cross-examine witnesses, and maintain the privilege against self-incrimination. Any adjudication of delinquency must be supported by evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, much like the standard in adult criminal proceedings.

Do you need a Juvenile Defense Attorney?

Being represented by a criminal defense attorney who specializes in juvenile defense can be indispensable.  Attorney Caryn Warren has many years of experience defending underage clients within the juvenile justice system, and has extensive experience negotiating solutions oriented toward a minor’s rehabilitation. When the possibility arises of a juvenile being tried as an adult, having an experienced defense attorney in your corner is crucial for advocating to keep the case within the juvenile system.

Attorney Caryn Warren serves as your advocate!  A juvenile defense attorney serves as the young person’s advocate, aiming to secure the most favorable outcome. They provide representation that takes into account the juvenile’s developmental needs and argue for lesser punitive measures. Their role is vital in presenting a case that underscores the minor’s capacity for growth and change.  Protect your child’s present and future by choosing a legal professional adept in the nuances of juvenile justice.

For comprehensive legal support and defense in juvenile criminal cases in Sacramento, look no further than Criminal Defense Attorney Caryn Warren. Call us today at 916-903-3914 to ensure your child’s case is handled with the care and expertise it deserves.

Juvenile Criminal Charges FAQ

It is important to us that you understand everything about your case and know what to expect. We make it a priority to communicate the case details as they unfold and ensure that your questions are answered. We are here to help.

The most common juvenile crimes in California include theft, vandalism, underage drinking, drug offenses, and assault.

Consequences for juvenile offenders in California can range from diversion programs and probation to confinement in a juvenile hall or camp. The emphasis is on rehabilitation, and depending on the case, alternatives such as counseling and community service may be explored.

When a juvenile is arrested in California, the case may be handled through the juvenile court system, which focuses more on rehabilitation rather than punishment. The steps typically include detention assessment, a detention hearing, adjudication, and disposition.

Yes, there are instances where a minor might be tried as an adult, particularly for serious offenses — especially those involving violent crimes like murder or aggravated assault, or if the juvenile has a considerable record of delinquency. Several factors influence whether a case may be transferred to adult court: the juvenile’s age, the nature and gravity of the offense, the child’s past record, and their responsiveness to rehabilitative efforts.

Yes, juvenile records are typically sealed in California, meaning they are not accessible to the public and can eventually be cleared completely. This helps prevent a juvenile’s past mistakes from affecting their future opportunities, such as employment and education.

Sacramento offers the opportunity for juveniles to petition for the expungement of their records, allowing them to move into adulthood without the burden of past mistakes. The process is intricate, with specific eligibility requirements and procedural steps, but an attorney with expertise in juvenile law can provide invaluable assistance.